// 7th LANE //
/Photography from Heaven and Hell/

Roger Ballen
Roger Ballen portrays a visual reality where human beings and animals are trapped in an incomprehensible and un-logical world. His photographs capture a tragic reality, free of ideals, purity and purpose in which the subjects’ actions seem senseless and absurd. The world reveals itself in photographs that are not only beautiful in their formal qualities, but also meaningful in content. Human comedy is a recurring presence in his images.

//I've been in a lot of underground mines and I always say that photography is like going down into the mineshaft. Each day I hope to go the next level down. But it's one thing to get down; it's another thing to bring to the surface what you find down there. // Roger Ballen

Steinar Christensen

Steinar Christensen's unique artistic practice operates within the realm the past the present and the future, with references to both the Dutch Golden Age paintings and a futuristic industrial age. He is driven by curiosity and a subconscious force to which takes him into the arts through all medium.

Christian Houge

Houge, is a Norwegian born artist, who in his quest of understanding the human condition, explores the diversity of this world, and places it into a visual context. Houge’s body of work, OKURIMONO, suggests a feeling of strangeness placed upon the viewer. The series registers a remarkable place of alterity in today’s global order, a notion of a radical difference in the familiar.

Lisa Holden

Lisa Holden is a British-born artist based in Amsterdam. Her visual work explores notions of the self. In carefully layered images she explores the estranged identities that are within her. Through the integration of performance art, painting, drawing, photography and video she pushes the boundary of art photography, creating a new art language in the process.

William Ropp [1957]

//William Ropp is known for the unique style in which he captures the mysterious aspects of human nature. Placing his subjects in absolute darkness during extended exposures, he uses a flashlight to paint a magical effect of illumination and shadow in what he calls ‘The dance of light’. ”My pictures were influenced by me working at the theatre, and I struggled to liberate myself from theatrical expression. This continued until I stopped using actors as models, replacing them with ordinary people I met.” //